Dustin Humm

Founder and President

Dustin Humm, the President of eKeeper, boasts a rich history in the IT industry that dates back to 1996. He embarked on his IT journey with a $50 million technology firm in Illinois and later joined a small MSP startup in Florida around 1999. Recognizing the potential to deliver superior solutions and customer service with a cost-effective pricing model, Dustin took the initiative to establish eKeeper.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Dustin is a man of varied interests. He finds solace in the tranquility of fishing and the thrill of golf, displaying his passion for both outdoor activities. Electronic design and drumming also form a significant part of his personal life.

Dustin’s motivation is firmly rooted in the pursuit of success and being the best at what he does. He places a strong emphasis on not only excelling in IT knowledge and capabilities but also fostering positive interpersonal relationships and creating a trust-based environment for both employees and customers.

From a technological perspective, Dustin’s interests lie in networking, high availability, and resilience. He recognizes that in today’s business landscape, optimal performance and the ability to withstand unexpected challenges are paramount. Dustin’s commitment to delivering performance and resilience aligns perfectly with the demands of modern businesses, ensuring eKeeper remains at the forefront of IT solutions.