Amanda Collins

Systems Analyst

Amanda Collins, a Systems Analyst, brings a wealth of experience from her four years in the IT department within the financial industry IT departments. With a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems, she embarked on a journey to eKeeper Systems with a clear goal: to gain extensive IT experience and knowledge.

Amanda’s choice to join eKeeper was motivated by the broad spectrum of clients and technology it offers, ensuring there’s never a dull moment. Her passion lies in helping clients comprehend the often unfamiliar world of IT, bridging the gap, and making technology more accessible.

Beyond her professional life, Amanda finds fulfillment in volunteering at her church and indulging in her love for photography. Time spent with her grandkids is precious to her, adding joy and balance to her life.

In her relentless pursuit of growth, Amanda seeks to identify her weaknesses and hone her IT skills continually. Her primary motivation is the satisfaction of her clients; when they’re happy, she knows she’s excelled in her role. Her core values, rooted in her upbringing and faith, emphasize treating everyone equally. She doesn’t distinguish between the janitor and the CEO, adhering to the principle that no one is better than another.

Amanda recognizes that IT is ever-evolving, and she enthusiastically embraces change, eager to learn and adapt. She has already earned four certifications since joining eKeeper which shows her dedication to learning. Along with her commitment to client service she is a valuable member of the eKeeper team.

Amanda is always efficient, professional, and friendly when resolving my issues. I am always happy when she is assigned to my tasks. Thanks for all you do!